Career Coach Human Design

Marina Clavet



Your personal coaching programm to a fulfilling career and life

Unlock your full professional potential

I guide you towards to a fulfilling professional life by helping you align YOUR talents, aspirations and actions.


Thanks to the use of Human Design and astrology andcoachingyou’ll discover your true potential, overcome the obstacles standing in your way and develop the skills you need to achieve your professional goals.

This program gives you the tools and resources to transform your career your career self-confidence maximize your productivity and create a professional life in harmony with your inner self.

Discover your personality type now with a free human design session.

“I created this program to enable overworked, stressed people who feel they are carrying the weight of the world on their shoulders, to free themselves over the long term and acquire techniques that will enable them to face any situation serenely and positively, in complete autonomy.
It all starts with self-knowledge.”

Marina Clavet,
Life Coach and founder of the program BOOST YOUR CAREER

Marina clavet career coach

I created this program for you if :

  • You feel lost and unhappy in your work
  • You feel overworked, tired or stressed
  • You feel stuck and can’t see a way out
  • You lack the self-confidence to take action
  • Te faire passer en premier te fait culpabiliser
  • Your To Do List is endless
  • You never take time for yourself, so much so that you’ve lost sight of your dreams, your aspirations.

Overview of the 6-session program

Identify the problem and establish your vision for your professional life

Identification of blockages and limiting beliefs

Work in depth to uncover the thoughts, beliefs and behavior patterns that may be hindering your professional success. These blocks will be identified and transformed to promote your growth and fulfillment.

Goal-setting and action planning

Define clear, achievable goals based on your career aspirations, values and talents. Develop a strategic action plan to guide you in achieving these goals.

Discover your True-Self and learn how to live according to your authenticity (Human Design & Astrologie Session)

In-depth exploration of Human Design

Understand your design type, energy centers, authority and profile to help you align your career with your intrinsic nature and leverage your unique strengths.

Personalized astrological analysis

Use astrology to explore your innate talents, deep motivations and professional opportunities. This will help you better understand your life cycles and the challenges you face.

Managing your mind-set: how to create your reality with your thoughts

Skills and abilities development

Identify the key skills and aptitudes you need to succeed in your professional field. Implement personal development strategies to reinforce these skills and exploit your full potential.

Manage your emotions and learn to use them to your advantage

Improved self-confidence and self-esteem

Work on self-confidence, self-esteem and managing the doubts and fears that can hinder your professional progress. Develop a positive mentality and a confident attitude in the face of challenges and opportunities.


Taking care of yourself, learning to manage your time and energy, setting limits

Time management and set priorities

Learn how to manage your time effectively, prioritize and optimize your productivity to achieve your professional goals while maintaining a healthy work-life balance.


Taking stock and celebrating your new you

Integrating tools into your daily routine

Our approach to professional coaching using Human Design, astrology and coaching will enable you to integrate all aspects of your being – physical, mental and emotional – for a complete and lasting professional transformation.


Monitoring and accountability

Throughout the coaching process, you’ll receive regular follow-up to assess your progress, adjust your strategies and make sure you’re on track to achieve your career goals.


At the end of this program

  • You’ll have a clear vision for your professional life and you’ll already be on your way to achieving your goals, if you haven’t already.
  • Thanks to the methods you’ve learned, you’ll be able to create time and develop all areas of your life.
  • You’ll act with greater confidence in the face of any problems you may encounter.
  • You’ll have time for what’s important in your professional and private life.
  • Setting limits and prioritizing your needs in a conscious, organized way will no longer be a problem for you.
  • Daily frustration will have given way to satisfaction.

Invest in yourself now by booking your free coaching session!


What did I like about your coaching program? Your ability to listen and adapt to my anxieties and fears. I also really like it when there was a link with astrology and human design.

Ségolène Desbois

I was a bit lost after a break-up and needed a new boost. A friend of mine had told me a lot about the benefits of coaching for her. I dared to dream bigger, to push my limits. I realized that you can always turn a situation around to find the positive. I manage my time much better. The whole program gave me energy at a time in my life when I was lacking it. The fact that different aspects are addressed (money, time...)

Anne T.

Before I started coaching, I was looking for a way to save a little time. With my professional and personal life, I was looking for a way to organize myself better. What prompted me to start this program was the opportunity to discover my Human Design. What a wonderful discovery! It helped me to get to know myself better and move forward. I focus more on my emotions and my pleasure in completing tasks and also in celebrating the end of my day. I enjoyed our coaching sessions, and also our exchanges outside the sessions, to help me unlock my limiting beliefs. If you're looking for a solution to your work/life balance, take a little time to chat with Marina. She'll suggest tailor-made solutions to help you save time in your day and smile at life.

Joelle Boucher

I was afraid that if I consulted an astrologer she would predict negative events in my life - and that I wouldn't be able to stop thinking about them all the time. But with Marina, I didn't have this problem! She reassured me (even before I explained my fears): our natal chart doesn't determine the rest of our existence, but it is a tool that helps us to know ourselves better and therefore be better prepared to navigate the events of our lives. Marina is a good listener, caring and non-judgmental. And her humor is refreshing 🙂

Veronica Petre


Book your free session to discover your personality type

We are all unique. And each of us needs to follow our own pace and strategy for personal growth and fulfillment. The starting point of my coaching method is to get to know you truly through Human Design and astrology.

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